Well life at Team Tsuga has had a few challenges including no internet access at home. The weather has been very cold lately and we have not been able to get the dogs out as much as we would like. Mike continues to do all the training and dog chores. Yesterday I got cleared to walk without crutches and I will soon be able to do more around the dog yard. The dogs are in good shape so the few days off won't be too hard on them.
We are looking forward to the race season with Gin Gin starting us off on December 27th. Then we are heading to Copper Basin the first week in January. Our friend TJ is coming up to help with the race and also help prepare drop bag for Quest, and probably a few other things too. So happy he will be joining us soon. Then the focus will be on Quest. We are so happy that our good friend Phil Cook will be joining Team Tsuga for the race. He is our Tsuper Phan and will be a huge help this year. Thanks Tphil!
It feels like life is creeping up on us. Quest is not that far away. The house is littered with dog gear, drop bag contents and a variety of other things. We are working daily to get everything done in time. Drop bags are due January 22nd. Just over a month to get it all in a few bags. Needless to say we are pretty busy and loving every minute off it.
Hope to keep posting as much as possible.
And the rest of
Team Tsuga